Benefits Career/Job Search Compensation Conventions & Conferences LinkedIn Groups | Organizations/Associations Publications Research Organizations Taxation |
Provides links to the freshest news, analysis, opinions, and government documents about employee benefit plans, including compliance, administration, design (especially cost savings), and policy.
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Benefits
Information on the wages, earnings, and benefits of workers categorized by geographic area, occupation, or industry.
Provides up-to-the-minute news and information for HR and benefits decision-makers, as well as brokers, advisers and consultants.
Employee Benefit Research Institute
Contributes to, encourages, and enhances the development of sound employee benefit programs and public policy through objective research and education.
Uses innovative techniques to conduct surveys, increase respondent participation, and improve accuracy to uncover trends in benefits and compensation.
American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration
The nation’s only membership organization exclusively dedicated to meeting the professional needs of human resources leaders in health care.
The largest online job site in the U.S. with specific resources for HR professionals.
An online, integrated library for personal, professional, and organizational development.
Find jobs in human resources specific to location.
A niche job board dedicated to bringing HR jobs and job seekers together to make successful employment possible.
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Jobs listed through the Society for Human Resource Management.
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Compensation
Wage data available by occupation for the nation, regions, states, and many metropolitan areas.
National Compensation Association of State Governments (NCASG)
Annually conducts the National Compensation Survey, Benefits Survey, and the Executive Survey and prepares reports for member states. Provides a forum for compensation professionals from member states to exchange information, professional expertise, and knowledge related to the compensation of state government employees.
Get the latest compensation data from SHRM, including information on careers, metrics, and legal and regulatory issues.
Current articles covering compensation, including rewards, incentives, and executive pay.
A non-profit HR association for professionals and organizations focused on compensation, benefits, work-life effectiveness, and total rewards with the mission of helping professionals achieve their career goals and influence their organization's success. Click here to find a group near you.
Conventions & Conferences
Academy of Human Resource Development
Holds annual international conferences addressing many of the most relevant issues in the field today.
Annual Conference of the Society for Human Resource Management
Boasts a stellar lineup of keynote speakers addressing all aspects of the industry with professional development sessions.
Annual Employee Engagement Conference
A venue for the sharing of innovative and relevant strategies for keeping employees engaged with content that can be applied across industries.
Annual HR Directors Business Summit
A premier event for HR directors with a heavy emphasis on some of the most challenging issues facing leaders of the industry.
Annual HR Technology Conference
A conference focused on the intersection of human resources and technology.
ATSD’s International Conference and Exposition
Addresses a wide range of topics regarding global human resource development, leadership development, and more.
Assists attendees with some of the most difficult aspects of the job, optimizing the global labor market and managing connectivity and energy.
International Performance Improvement Conference
Focuses on performance improvement strategies and innovations to advance all aspects of human resources within a company.
Social Recruiting Strategies Conference
Focuses on the most important aspects of HR, recruiting the right people for the right positions.
The largest in the U.S. featuring world-renowned speakers, workshops, networking opportunities with an emphasis on professional development.
LinkedIn Groups
Resource for HR professionals and career transition candidates.
The "unofficial" forum for SHRM members.
The #1 human resources group on LinkedIn.
Resource for the National Association of African-Americans in Human Resources.
Resource for NHRA members in St. Louis.
Official LinkedIn group for the Society of Human Resource Management.
Resource for U.S. domestic relocation.
American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA)
Premier society representing the unique interests of healthcare HR professionals.
International Association for Human Resource Information Management (IHRIM)
Facilitates an HR information management community for the sharing of best practices, professional collaboration, and networking with access to HR systems and solutions vendors, publications, and HR technology job opportunities.
Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA)
The only organization in the U.S. where professionals interested in all aspects of labor and employment relations network to share ideas and learn about new developments, issues, and practices in the field. Provides unique forums and publications with views from representatives of labor, management, government and academics, and advocates.
National Association of African-Americans in Human Resources (NAAAHR)
An inspirational and unique career development and networking powerhouse for African-American HR practitioners that provides networking, career opportunities, educational and professional development, mentorship and coaching, tools, tips, and resources to enhance the careers of members.
National Human Resources Association (NHRA)
Advances the field of HR by providing members with professional networking and career development opportunities.
North American Human Resource Management Association
Represents over 300,000 HR managers and the profession as a whole while providing support and resources such as professional development programs.
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
One of the largest HR management associations with over 250,000 members in 140 countries, SHRM serves the needs of human resources managers and the interests of the HR industry.
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
Dedicated to those practicing and teaching industrial and organizational (I-O) psychology, applying research to improve the well-being and performance of people and the organizations that employ them. Topics include workforce planning, employee selection, and leader development to facilitate organizational change.
World Federation of People Management Associations
A global organization designed to bring together HR professionals who are members of various national associations.
The workforce mobility association for professionals who oversee, manage, or support U.S. domestic and international employee transfer. Gives members exclusive access to robust information, valuable networking and benchmarking opportunities, and tools for career success in this constantly changing industry.
An independent strategic publication devoted to keeping HR directors and senior managers informed on advancements within the field.
A SHRM publication dedicated to being a quality resource for HR employees of all levels.
Facilitates the dissemination of collaborative research about people at work and what management techniques are the most effective.
Human Resource Executive Online
Devoted to providing HR executives with top-notch coverage of strategic issues.
One of the premier journals in the business, bridging research and practice with thought provoking articles on innovative strategies and methods for HR management.
Human Resource Management International Digest
A publication that collects some of the best articles related to HR management.
Human Resources Management Journal
A scholarly journal seeking to advance and support the understanding of practitioners and academics in the HR field.
Human Resource Management Review
Includes research-driven, conceptual, and theoretical articles covering many of the major fields of HR management.
IHRIM (International Association for Human Resource Information Management): HR Publications
Recent publications relevant to HR professionals (IHRIM members get discounts if ordered from this site).
International Journal of Human Resource Studies
A quarterly, internationally refereed journal published to promote and enhance techniques and methodologies within the HR industry.
International Journal of Human Resource Management
The top journal on the market for human resource management scholars and practitioners.
International Public Management Association Publications
Members of the International Public Management Association for Human Resources have access to its publications, including HR News Magazine, Public Personnel Management, and HR Bulletin.
Published by the Wisconsin University Press, a quarterly journal that publishes scholarly papers based on rigorous empirical study.
A multimedia publication covering the intersection of people management and business strategy using senior-level human resources executives and C-level officers as decision-makers on talent management matters in the 2,500 largest corporations in America.
Research Organizations
Center for Human Resources Research
An academic HR research lab at Ohio State University’s College of Social and Behavioral Sciences that utilizes a multidisciplinary research approach to the HR field.
The principal federal agency responsible for measuring labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy with the mission of collecting, analyzing, and disseminating essential economic information to support public and private decision-making.
Human Resource Research Center
Resides in the Department of Management at the Warrington College of Business at the University of Florida and exists to scientifically advance the field of HR through empirical research.
Human Resources Research Institute
A faculty/executive partnership program from the University of Minnesota comprised of faculty from the Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies and major industry executives striving to produce quality, relevant research for the advancement of the industry.
Human Resources Research Organization
A non-profit consulting firm and research center that bridges the gap between for-profit consulting and non-profit human resources applied research.
American Institute of CPAs (AICPA)
Covers tax issues related to employee benefit plans, including practice aids, guides, checklists, and articles aimed at helping with the complexities of the employee benefits and executive compensation areas of taxation.
Tax information on fringe benefits, including rules for exclusion, valuation, withholding, depositing, and reporting, as well as how to get tax help.
Includes tax information, powers of attorney, and tax codes for each state.